What if Aliens visited EarthWhat if one morning on the news they announced, an alien race had contacted earth and was heading our way.

To be visited by an advanced intelligent civilization sounds exciting but have we really considered the consequences? There are many questions we have not thought about and perhaps should if some day we are to have a “close encounter”.

How long do you think it would take for this species to reach us – days, month or years? Although they announced they were coming does not mean they would arrive tomorrow.

What about their appearance, would they look similar to us in every way shape and form or would their looks be unexpected and frightening?

Would the knowledge they possessed mean they would share it or use it against us? Remember that a race that is capable of traveling in light years does not guarantee they are friendly.

In the adventures of Star Trek, it is “us” who explore strange new worlds, but in that scenario, we are prepared for the consequences. With a well-trained crew and a heavily armed vessel, we face what lies before us and “we” make the decision concerning first contact.

It is true that the world as a collective has a great deal of arsenal at its disposal – nuclear weapons being one source. But could an advanced race not overpower us and perhaps even have the ability to disarm all of our weapons?

It is wonderful to think that an intelligent species would come to our tiny planet and enlighten us with its technology and solve our global problems, but what reason would they have to do so – compassion after all is a human trait and perhaps not shared by other life forms.

There are many things we have not thought about and serious consequences could come from just that error. Let us hope that the scientific world is asking these very questions and more before we invite an unknown neighbor into our backyard.

It has always been the love for adventure and the unknown that has made us take great risks, but when that risk comes knocking on our own front door will we be ready?

“He who is not prepared today will be less so tomorrow” – Ovid, 43 BC, Roman Poet

Editorial by Wayne Taylor

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