Captain’s Log

Cadet Reconnaissance – July 2024

A Typical Day Aboard The USS Renaissance Greetings, fellow crew members! Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a cadet aboard the USS Renaissance? Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a journey through my daily adventures in the Intelligence & Communications department, with a few exciting detours to help out our amazing officers. The day starts early aboard the USS Renaissance. At 0600 hours, my alarm chirps cheerfully, and I spring out of [...]

Crew Feature

LTJG Tamara Dawn Fisher, Chief Science Officer   In this edition of the USS Renaissance Quarterly Newsletter, we are thrilled to spotlight one of our most dedicated and dynamic crew members, Lieutenant JG Tamara Dawn Fisher. Since joining STARFLEET International in May 2021, Lieutenant Fisher has made significant contributions to our ship and community. As the ship’s Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Fisher brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our scientific endeavors. She frequently contributes fascinating science [...]

Science – Xenobiology

The Last Tribble Outpost Firstly, I thank you for such a warm welcome aboard the USS Renaissance. It's so nice to be aboard a vessel again as, for the last five years, I have been heading up a tribble conservation program Regima V. "What!" I hear you exclaim. "Are you mad?" But the answer is a stolid no. To quickly summarise the plight of the tribble, these inoffensive little creatures don't like Klingons very much; they have a tendency [...]

By |2024-07-14T21:30:43-04:00July 14, 2024|Science Log|0 Comments
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