Intelligence Log

The Intelligence Officer is the master of stealth and gathering intelligence. Their main duty is to gather intelligence and communicate it to the crew through the quarterly newsletter.

Cadet Reconnaissance – July 2024

A Typical Day Aboard The USS Renaissance Greetings, fellow crew members! Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a cadet aboard the USS Renaissance? Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a journey through my daily adventures in the Intelligence & Communications department, with a few exciting detours to help out our amazing officers. The day starts early aboard the USS Renaissance. At 0600 hours, my alarm chirps cheerfully, and I spring out of [...]

Crew Feature

LTJG Tamara Dawn Fisher, Chief Science Officer   In this edition of the USS Renaissance Quarterly Newsletter, we are thrilled to spotlight one of our most dedicated and dynamic crew members, Lieutenant JG Tamara Dawn Fisher. Since joining STARFLEET International in May 2021, Lieutenant Fisher has made significant contributions to our ship and community. As the ship’s Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Fisher brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our scientific endeavors. She frequently contributes fascinating science [...]

June 2024 Crew Meeting

AGENDA Jun 9, 2024 | USS Renaissance Crew Meeting VIA ZOOM Attendees:  Bridge Officers COMM Lynn Harper FCAPT Randy Mitson LCDR William Mitson ENS1 Daniel Roberge Intelligence and Communications CAPT Matthew Doucet, Chief of Intel & Comms ENS Kevin Kirk CDT1 Aurélie Doucet Science LTJG Tamara Fisher, Chief Science Officer CAPT Anni Potts ENS2 Marieve Michaud CDT2 Annabelle Roberge CDT3 Helen Berry CDT3 Layla Berry Medical ENS2 Heather Harper CRMN3 Yvette Harper Operations CAPT Jason Tierney [...]

By |2024-07-14T21:52:31-04:00June 10, 2024|Captain's Log, Intelligence Log|Comments Off on June 2024 Crew Meeting

Crew Feature

Fleet Captain Randy Mitson, Executive Officer   Fleet Captain Randy Mitson is an inspiring and dedicated figure within the STARFLEET community. As the Executive Officer and Chief of Operations of the USS Renaissance, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and an unwavering commitment to the mission and values of the organization. Beyond his responsibilities aboard the ship, Fleet Captain Mitson serves as the Director of the STARFLEET Petfleet auxiliary, where his passion for animals and pets is evident. His efforts [...]

By |2024-06-11T11:59:05-04:00June 7, 2024|Intelligence Log|Comments Off on Crew Feature

Cadet Reconnaissance – April 2024

Space Exploration and Tribble Encounters : A STARFLEET Cadet's Guide Space exploration is an unpredictable adventure, right? And guess what? Starfleet has bumped into some pretty wild creatures out there, but none as quirky as the Tribbles. These little guys are more than just a fluffy encounter; they’re a whole lesson for any cadet. So, Tribbles are these round, furball cuties that come from Iota Geminorum IV. They’re famous for being cuddly and purring when you pet them, [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:44:51-04:00May 11, 2024|Intelligence Log|Comments Off on Cadet Reconnaissance – April 2024
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