CAPT Matthew Doucet, Chief Of Intel & Comms

About CAPT Matthew Doucet, Chief Of Intel & Comms

The Intelligence and Communications Officer ensures seamless communication within the crew and STARFLEET Auxiliaries, responsible for intelligence gathering and direct reporting to the Captain, Command Staff, and the entire crew. The Comms officer also acts as a mediator in any debate or meeting. Additionally, he leads the Chapter’s Newsletter team, playing a vital role in its production and distribution. His creative touch fosters unity and keeps the crew well-informed, contributing significantly to the ongoing mission of the USS Renaissance.

Illuminating Minds and Safeguarding Eyes

The USS Renaissance recently had the privilege of hosting a virtual presentation given by Ensign Mariève Michaud, an astute Astrophysics student whose passion for celestial events is as boundless as the cosmos itself. With the upcoming total eclipse on April 8th, 2024, drawing near, Ensign Michaud took it upon herself to ensure that every crew member was prepared to witness this astronomical spectacle safely and knowledgeably. Her presentation was not only informative, detailing the intricate mysteries of celestial bodies, [...]

Away Missions

Solar Eclipse 2024: A Stellar Gathering As the shadow of the moon swept across the Earth, members of the USS Renaissance gathered virtually to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse on April 8th. This celestial event, a dance of cosmic proportions, was shared live over communication channels, creating a sense of unity and wonder among the crew. The holoimages submitted captured not only the event’s breathtaking beauty but also the shared [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:43:09-04:00May 3, 2024|Science Log|Comments Off on Away Missions
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