Science Log

Science – Xenobiology

The Last Tribble Outpost Firstly, I thank you for such a warm welcome aboard the USS Renaissance. It's so nice to be aboard a vessel again as, for the last five years, I have been heading up a tribble conservation program Regima V. "What!" I hear you exclaim. "Are you mad?" But the answer is a stolid no. To quickly summarise the plight of the tribble, these inoffensive little creatures don't like Klingons very much; they have a tendency [...]

By |2024-07-14T21:30:43-04:00July 14, 2024|Science Log|0 Comments

Illuminating Minds and Safeguarding Eyes

The USS Renaissance recently had the privilege of hosting a virtual presentation given by Ensign Mariève Michaud, an astute Astrophysics student whose passion for celestial events is as boundless as the cosmos itself. With the upcoming total eclipse on April 8th, 2024, drawing near, Ensign Michaud took it upon herself to ensure that every crew member was prepared to witness this astronomical spectacle safely and knowledgeably. Her presentation was not only informative, detailing the intricate mysteries of celestial bodies, [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:43:51-04:00May 4, 2024|Science Log|Comments Off on Illuminating Minds and Safeguarding Eyes

Away Missions

Solar Eclipse 2024: A Stellar Gathering As the shadow of the moon swept across the Earth, members of the USS Renaissance gathered virtually to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse on April 8th. This celestial event, a dance of cosmic proportions, was shared live over communication channels, creating a sense of unity and wonder among the crew. The holoimages submitted captured not only the event’s breathtaking beauty but also the shared [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:43:09-04:00May 3, 2024|Science Log|Comments Off on Away Missions

Lunar Oxidation

Recently, surprising news has emerged about the moon experiencing rusting and corrosion, leaving scientists and the public alike baffled. How is this possible when rust typically requires atmospheric oxygen and moisture? Let's delve into the reasons behind this unexpected phenomenon. Rust, a red oxide formed when iron interacts with oxygen and moisture, is a slow but destructive process observed on Earth's surfaces. But how does this relate to the moon, considering we know little about its composition? Research by [...]

By |2024-05-03T19:46:21-04:00April 22, 2024|Science Log|Comments Off on Lunar Oxidation

First Day of Away Mission: A Day of Driving With ADHD

Away Mission: Toronto and Fan Expo, August 2022 Stardate: 100245.44 (August 24, 2022) 0700 Cadets are still asleep, which is unusual for them. I take a few minutes to wake up, before getting up. Everything is packed except toothbrushes. I do final checks before starting breakfast, and waking the Cadets. 0800 Cadets are up and dressed. Replicators are all very well and good, but good tea needs to be steeped in hot water. 0900 Loading the shuttle. The tribbles will stay [...]

By |2022-08-25T12:22:04-04:00August 25, 2022|Science Log|Comments Off on First Day of Away Mission: A Day of Driving With ADHD

Science Log – Stardate 202004.10

Earth Month Echo Challenge Hi everyone! As promised I am dropping an interactive team dashboard for Earth Month. This setup is designed for you to track your own habits, allowing you to make more sustainable choices. Learn about other topics that may interest you at your leisure with the information provided in each of the challenges on the dashboard. To sign up, I have provided the team link below for the USS Nomad page. Every item we check off we [...]

By |2021-05-02T17:02:47-04:00April 10, 2021|Science Log|Comments Off on Science Log – Stardate 202004.10
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