Operation’s Log

Communications, environmental controls, and sensors are all overseen by the Chief of Operations. They are tasked with performing sensor sweeps and planetary scans.

Commander Jackola’s Log

April 2024 Newsletter Greetings, USS Renaissance! Commander Jackola here, with another batch of updates. Thankfully, Chef Bork has settled somewhat, now that he finally has a place to call his own again. It has occurred to me that he might miss his…well, girlfriend isn’t the right word exactly. Partner isn’t quite right, either. In any case, his romantic interest D’edrash went back to Qo’noS after the attack on the space station. Though their relationship seemed more volatile than loving, [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:45:34-04:00May 18, 2024|Operation's Log|Comments Off on Commander Jackola’s Log

Ops Log – Stardate 210729.18

Chief Operations Officer Lieutenant Hall’s log, Stardate 210729.18 Shuttle preparations are underway for the Captain and his away team. The away team will consist of the Captain, MCPO Todd piloting, and K9 Crewman Remmington at the Captain’s side. Destination: Starbase 13. The Captain will be busy on the station, preparing to meet with members of Region 13, as well as visitors from afar. Much to do between now and 210731. We have many guests to welcome to the station for [...]

By |2021-08-07T22:36:34-04:00July 29, 2021|Operation's Log|Comments Off on Ops Log – Stardate 210729.18

Space Science in my Backyard

The upper part of the structure consists of 1000 tonnes that sit on a three-story reinforced concrete pedestal base built on top of Canadian bedrock. In the late 1950s, a remote site located deep in the backcountry of Algonquin Provincial Park was selected to be the home to the Algonquin Radio Observatory (ARO). The ARO is Canada’s largest radio telescope (a 46m/151ft parabolic dish) and the third-largest fully steerable dish in and measurements from different locations. Because of [...]

By |2021-08-27T23:18:18-04:00June 13, 2021|Operation's Log|Comments Off on Space Science in my Backyard

The Nomadic Chronicles Newsletter

If you’re a member of the USS Nomad or any ship in  Region 13 of STARFLEET INTERNATIONAL, you can now subscribe to the Nomadic Chronicles newsletter.  Published in the last week of every month, you’ll find crew and ship updates, awards and certifications, as well as interesting articles related to Star Trek, charity fundraising, crew interviews, fun events and more. To subscribe, just visit the Newsletter page under the Captain’s Log tab on the USS Nomad website.  There you will [...]

By |2021-05-19T14:53:37-04:00May 19, 2021|Operation's Log|Comments Off on The Nomadic Chronicles Newsletter
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