CDT 1C Aurelie Doucet - Intel & Comms

About CDT 1C Aurelie Doucet - Intel & Comms

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So far CDT 1C Aurelie Doucet - Intel & Comms has created 2 blog entries.

Cadet Reconnaissance – July 2024

A Typical Day Aboard The USS Renaissance Greetings, fellow crew members! Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a cadet aboard the USS Renaissance? Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a journey through my daily adventures in the Intelligence & Communications department, with a few exciting detours to help out our amazing officers. The day starts early aboard the USS Renaissance. At 0600 hours, my alarm chirps cheerfully, and I spring out of [...]

Cadet Reconnaissance – April 2024

Space Exploration and Tribble Encounters : A STARFLEET Cadet's Guide Space exploration is an unpredictable adventure, right? And guess what? Starfleet has bumped into some pretty wild creatures out there, but none as quirky as the Tribbles. These little guys are more than just a fluffy encounter; they’re a whole lesson for any cadet. So, Tribbles are these round, furball cuties that come from Iota Geminorum IV. They’re famous for being cuddly and purring when you pet them, [...]

By |2024-05-03T20:44:51-04:00May 11, 2024|Intelligence Log|Comments Off on Cadet Reconnaissance – April 2024
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