The galaxy is a very strange place these days. My way of saying that the Region is remarkably interesting for the crew. Ontario is in a complete lockdown. The rest of Canada is not. Michigan is not. It causes different stress and different situations for individuals to deal with.

I hope the crew of the Region’s newest Flagship realizes that we are and can be here for each other. The events continue to roll out and although they may say Region 13 it is still for you, this crew as well. Please join, have some fun and share a laugh.

We grew again this month. More members, in places that are new to the Region which is extremely exciting.

We continue our mission this month by completing our second food drive as a chapter. Also, members are donating blood in the continuous year-long blood drive challenge put out by Lieutenant Commander Phillips.

I have taken over the role of Regional Coordinator and was promoted to Fleet Captain. A management team was created with members of 6 of 8 crews having a position on the team. It is time-consuming, yet I feel that the Region is full of fantastic people that are all a part of this club for the love of Trek, and we can as a group do some amazing things together.

As the weather warms up, time may be limited to participate with the club or pending restrictions, you may have more time. Keep up to date following the announcements and participate when you can.

The Region is putting on a Regional Conference or Summit in July. Lieutenant Commander Davies is leading the organizers in creating the event. It is one day, and I hope that you all can attend. The Regional Awards are taking nominations and I encourage everyone to read them and nominate someone if you feel they are worthy.

Keep up the great work in this club and enjoy what Starfleet and the Nomad have to offer.

Captain out.