USS Renaissance


Feb, 2024

SUBMITTER : FCAPT Lynn Harper SUBMITTED : 02/24/2024
CO : FCAPT Lynn Harper CLASS : Sovereign
XO : FCAPT Randy Mitson (Director of Petfleet)
NEWSLETTER : Renaissance Intelligence Report PUBLICATION DATE : 2024-02-01


20254 CAPT Sarah Rosenzweig Oct 17, 2024
62719 MAJ Anthony Miller May 31, 2025
62720 MCPT Christine Miller Aug 05, 2024
73580 CPO Kenton Natolochny Jun 19, 2024
76092 CAPT Jason Tierney Jan 16, 2025
81517 LT Lochlan Stead 7057830787 Oct 31, 2024
81526 LT ian Brannan May 07, 2024
82169 FCAPT Lynn Harper Sep 08, 2033
82316 COL Adam Reiss Oct 21, 2024
82347 CMDR Brandi Jackola Nov 01, 2024
82449 LCDR William Mitson Dec 15, 2024
82524 FCAPT Randy Mitson (Director of Petfleet) Jun 20, 2027
82543 LT James Arnoldi Apr 17, 2024
82559 MAJ J. Justin O’Donnell Jan 31, 2025
82962 MCPO Tamara Fisher May 03, 2024
83076 PO2 Lynn Mitson Mrs. Jun 20, 2027
83659 ENS 1C Daniel Roberge Nov 27, 2030
83660 ENS Kira Welburn Nov 27, 2030
83662 CDT 3C Helen Berry May 03, 2024
83663 CDT 3C Layla Berry May 03, 2024
84955 CDT 2C Audrey Roberge Miss Sep 08, 2033
84956 ENS 2C Heather Harper Ms Sep 08, 2033
84957 CDT 2C Annabelle Roberge Miss Sep 08, 2033
85069 ENS 1C Gabannette Wooltorton she/they Oct 27, 2024
85193 LCPL David Legault Dec 23, 2024
85568 CRMN Sahra Ross Feb 05, 2025
85626 ENS JG Kris Leblanc Feb 25, 2024
86138 ENS JG Michael Iskra Nov 27, 2030
86171 CRMN 3C Yvette Harper Nov 27, 2030
86231 ENS Marieve Michaud Jul 23, 2024
86237 CRMN 3C Jessie Altenhof Jul 25, 2024
86258 CRMN Alexander De Sua Mr. Jul 31, 2024
86354 CRMN Aliza Perez Aug 16, 2024
86356 CRMN Jonathan Gray Mr Aug 16, 2024
86488 CRMN Laureen Lightfoot Sep 18, 2024
86489 CRMN Lori Lightfoot Sep 18, 2024
86510 LT Matthew Doucet Sep 28, 2027
86511 CDT 1C Aurelie Doucet Sep 28, 2027
86518 CRMN Kaitlin Meaney Sep 30, 2024
Lynn Harper
IOMA -CaS College of Cancer Studies
CaS 102c – Introduction and Childhood Cancer, Part 3 PASS Feb 17, 2024
CaS 101a – Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Part 1 HONORS Feb 17, 2024
Sahra Ross
IOTK – College of Engineering
CENG 101 – Early Principles and Terms DISTINCTION Feb 05, 2024
CENG 102 – Pre-19th Century Pioneers DISTINCTION Feb 05, 2024
MEETING DATE : 2024-02-01
PROMOTIONS : SCC: 86510 Matthew Doucet PROMOTED TO Lieutenant on Feb 02, 2024
ACTIVITIES : Crew Meeting: Our crew meeting was held on Sunday, February 11th and we had many crew in attendance! They were interested to hear about the goings on at the fleet level and we also launched the Renaissance Handbook and the accompanying “course” during this meeting. It is hoped that this course will cause crew members to take a closer look at the document.

A lively discussion ensued regarding the direction we wish to take in terms of charity work. We feel that it is important that it be something that can be supported by all crew – regardless of geographical location. With this in mind, it was decided that we would support local children’s hospitals (ie. Montreal Children’s Hospital, Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, etc.) We will now begin to construct fundraising initiatives.Montreal COMICCON & Montreal Canada Day Parade: Preparations continue for these two important crew events in the summer of 2024.Trivia Night: Our trivia night was held on Monday, February 19th and was hosted by our second officer, LCDR Mitson. Members from all over Region 13 (and the UK) gathered for a lively Kahoot game and discussion. We look forward to the next event!Social Media Platforms: Our public page continues to be a popular place with 1.5 K followers! Our crew continues to “chat” via Messenger and Discord and we spend time throughout the week checking in and “role-playing”.Events and Challenges: Saturday night social hours continue on the Renaissance and attendance continues to grow!

A few of the crew enjoyed the Sol Series talk – sponsored by STARFLEET Sciences.

Respectfully submitted,
Fleet Captain Lynn Harper,
CO, USS Renaissance