Captain’s Log – Stardate 202105.31

All hands this is the Captain.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the ship and individuals for winning the Regional Awards this year. Your participation in the organization and events is recognized!

As well as two major announcements this month. The assembling of the Crew for the Terry Fox  Shuttle program which will be commanded by LTJG Taylor. The Nomad crew also has created and launched Starbase 13. Thanks to the new Director of Starbase Operations LTJG Jackola and Lt Mitson for creating websites and more.

The winner of the cooking contest was Crewman Lynn Mitson which was a fantastic dish.

The crew continues to grow this month. Members are renewing. The Nomad keeps trying to have fun and new adventures which was exemplified this month by the auction and funds made to operate the club.

Keep up the great work everyone!

Ehl out!