Welcome Shannon and George Walter – thank you for participating.

”I understand you both are Lieutenants, perhaps you could share with all of us how long you both have served and what some of your duties are aboard the USS Nomad”?

Shannon: I have been enlisted six months. That is how long I have served on the USS
Nomad, starting as the Communications Officer. Now as First Officer, my job is to aid the Captain by providing alternate perspectives and options.

George: About five months for myself. My duties as the Chief of Security are to ensure the
crews safety, make sure everyone is behaving according to the guidelines set forth, and
keeping the cellar locked.

“Do you find given our current circumstances that being able to escape into a “futuristic” space series has helped each of you to cope somewhat better?

Shannon: Yes. I think it helps.

George: Yes. I suppose it does in a way.

“As far as Star Trek goes do each of you have a favourite series that you return to time and time again and when were you first introduced to Star Trek”?

Shannon: The Original Series is my favourite. Star Trek started as a way to distract from being bedridden for an extended period.

George: I was introduced to Star Trek when I was nine with the Next Generation. However, the Original Series is my favourite.

“We would assume the replicators perform adequacy. What are some of your favourite dishes you both or individually enjoy”?

Shannon: Barbeque, pho, and sushi are some of my favourites.

George: Sushi, tacos, pho, and barbecue. Food is fuel.

“Do you both have animals aboard the ship? If so tell us which type and their names”?

Both: We have two goldfish named Joe and Princess. Cadet Walter won them at a fair some years back. We are also caring for a leopard gecko named Izzy.

“We know your son had recently celebrated his 9th birthday, and we wish him all the best, does he have a favourite Star Trek series or perhaps even a character he would like to share”?

Cadet Walter: Captain Kirk is my favourite because he tells people what to do. “And finally if there was one thing that Star Trek has taught you over the years what do you
think that might be”?

Shannon: The future will not be perfect, but strive all the same because you never know what differences will be made.

George: Do not get your hope up on flying cars. My mom is still waiting on those.


To our online Starfleet family, we thank you for your time and we wish you all the very best for the future. Live long and prosper.

Interview conducted by Editor Wayne Taylor on February 20/2021.