Mission Brief Minos KorvaUSS NOMAD
Chief medical officer’s MISSION LOG


Stardate: 75286.6
Ref: Tzeka Fever Outbreak

Medical Staff from the USS Nomad and a group of marines responded to a medical emergency on the planet Minos Korva near the old, demilitarized zone of the Cardassian Union.

During the Dominion War, Minos Korva was caught in the crossfire and planetary resources were taxed to the breaking point. This led to horrendous living conditions for the Federation citizens who call that world their home.

The fall of the Cardassian Union has brought peace, however, it left Minos Korva without support and resources. An outbreak of Tzeka fever was reported and while this is easily treatable, they were not been able to contain the illness and thus, medical aid was requested.

This should have been a routine mission, however, there were reports of interlopers on the planet and cloaked ships attacking the settlements on the surface. Prior to the mission, no one officially claimed responsibility, but it was believed that it was the work of Cardassians loyal to the old regime who were thought to be hiding in the nearby McAllister C-5 Nebula.

Due to the volatile nature of this mission, Major Reiss was asked to provide support in the form of a group of marines.