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Star Trek TNG: “Yesterday’s Enterprise” S3/E15

In the “Yesterday’s Enterprise” episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the crew of the USS Enterprise encounters a temporal rift that brings a previous version of their ship from an alternate timeline into their reality. This alternate timeline is darker, with the Federation at war with the Klingons. As they grapple with the consequences of this alternate reality, the crew must decide whether to restore the timeline they know or allow the past to remain changed. The episode explores themes of sacrifice, duty, and the ripple effects of individual decisions on the course of history. Ultimately, it teaches us the importance of facing difficult choices with courage and integrity, even when the consequences are uncertain.

NOTE: We ask that everyone attending stream the episode locally, you will need access to this episode on streaming service or DVD/BlueRay. We do not typically stream the episode for you due to technical and copywrite restrictions.

Streaming Services

Netflix (Canada):
Paramount Plus (Canada):

Topic: USS Renaissance Watch Party / Region 13 Watch Party

Time: April 27th, 2023, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

PLEASE NOTE: Once we start playing the episode no one else will be allowed to join the watch party Zoom, this is necessary to not interrupt people’s enjoyment of watching the episode.  Please show up no later than 8:16 pm Eastern. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 7855 2642
Passcode: 996270

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